Contact details:

2/96 Macaulay Road, North Melbourne, 3051

(P) 03 9329 5454

(F) 03 9328 8856


Opening hours:

Monday to Friday 10am - 5:30pm

Saturday and Sunday: Closed

Public Holidays: Closed

Services offered:

Who are we?

Shinbone Medical is a small community clinic offering a range of health and sports related services in a unique location in the heart of ‘Shinboner’ territory in North Melbourne. Founded in 2012 by Dr Mitchell Anderson, the historic site is situated opposite the Arden Street oval and as such, has been named in honour of the mighty North Melbourne AFL club. You can read more about the beautiful gas regulating house here. Mitch consults at Shinbone Monday - Friday

Mitch has gathered up a great team to compliment such a beautiful workspace. The team at Shinbone focus on providing a holistic approach to medicine, focusing on mind, body, diagnosis, and rehabilitation for elite athletes through to weekend warriors. Whilst sport is a keen area of interest, the team has a diverse mix of skills to support all members of the community. Book in for a corporate health check, adult, children and sports counselling, a back tune-up or support and management of a specific health problem.

We have a great team to help.


Sports Medicine

  • Initial consultation - $255.50

  • Follow-up consultation - $147.50

Rebates available through private health providers

Remedial MASSAGE

  • 60 minutes - $130

  • 45 minutes - $105

  • 30 minutes - $85

Rebates available through private health providers

Plantar fascia procedure

$595 (a consultation fee will also apply)

Standard follow up appt $147.50

ITB RELEASE $495 (a consultation fee will also apply)

Standard follow up appt $147.50

SHOULDER HYDRODILATATION $295 (a consultation fee will also apply)






Shinbone Medical is a small community clinic offering a range of health and sports related services in a unique location in the heart of ‘Shinboner’ territory in North Melbourne. Founded in 2012 by Dr Mitchell Anderson, the historic site is situated opposite the Arden Street oval and as such, has been named in honour of the mighty North Melbourne AFL club. You can read more about the beautiful gas regulating house here.

Mitch has gathered up a great team to compliment such a beautiful workspace. The team at Shinbone focus on providing a holistic approach to medicine, focusing on mind, body, diagnosis, and rehabilitation for elite athletes through to weekend warriors. Whilst sport is a keen area of interest, the team has a diverse mix of skills to support all members of the community. Book in for a corporate health check, adult, children and sports counselling, a back tune-up or support and management of a specific health problem.

We have a great team to help


Dr Mitch Anderson

Dr Mitchell Anderson (MBBS, B.Physio hons, B.Sc hons, Dip. Surg. Anat.) is the director at Shinbone Medical.

Having studied Physiotherapy, Physiology and Anatomy in addition to his medical studies, Mitch is registered as a both a Medical doctor and Physiotherapist. His areas of interest are diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation, with a particular interest in musculoskeletal injury and minor procedural work.

Mitch also consults a broad range of athletes on nutrition, training and bike fit from his unique perspective as a former professional triathlete (12 years) and physiologist.

Mitch currently works four sessions a week at Shinbone Medical, with a role as an Assistant Orthopedic Surgeon Mr Matt Barnes (Hip/Knee). As such, he is able to provide end to end care from diagnosis facilitating and assisting surgical rehabilitation, liasing closely with specialists, to help achieve best outcomes for his patients and their families.

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Fabian Rodriguez
Remedial Massage therapist

His professional experience started years ago in Chile at Mayor University, where he studied a bachelor of Physiotherapy, also, later working as a private Physiotherapist and at MEDS clinic, the leading sports clinic in Chile.

His journey continued in Melbourne where he studied remedial massage therapy where he has been working in sports and remedial massage.

His areas of interest are assessing, education, prevention and rehabilitation of musculoskeletal injuries.

Currently Fabian is deep into his studies of Physiotherapy, taking interest in get his Physiotherapy qualification recognise in Australia to deliver a more holistic and dynamic treatment.



AitHne Quin
Practice Manager

Aithne Quin is an experienced Management Consultant with over six years helping businesses to improve their performance, by finding innovative and more efficient ways of operating. As a Management consultant Aithne has advised and developed strategies for a broad range of business from health care through to banks.

At Shinbone Medical, Aithne is responsible for overseeing and maintaining all business operations and human resource of the practice.

In her spare time, Aithne likes to hone her skills as a flying trapeze artist, play canasta and practice yoga and pilates.

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Michelle reeves
Sports nutritionist and personal trainer

Having spent the last 8 years in private practice as a Sports Nutritionist and Personal Trainer, Michelle has spent her time focusing on building and improving athletes to perform at their best. Spending time with some of the worlds most elite athletes spanning from UFC fighters, AFL players, Ironman and Cyclists, her main focus is to help you look, feel and function optimally.

Not stopping there, Michelle is currently mid way through her Grad dip in Performance Nutrition.

Michelle has also spent the last 4 years developing programs to run in the Corporate world, improving overall general health, body composition, long term fat loss, and how to build a much better environment for success while implementing these goals.

Plantar Fascia release procedure

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a plantar fascia release is a minor surgical procedure which releases the medial band of the fascia, which is responsible for the bulk of the tension and pain in the heel.

Dr Mitchell Anderson, along with foot and ankle surgeon, Mr Paul Rice, developed this procedure which has seen rates of improvement in the pain of 80-85% 6 weeks after the procedure (Philpott et al 2021).


Dr Anderson has a wide set of skills and experience in procedural work. Dr Anderson is a registered Medical Doctor, Physiotherapist and holds a Diploma of Surgical Anatomy. He has performed over 2000 plantar fascia release procedures in his rooms and has assisted in over 5000 foot and ankle surgical procedures in hospitals.

 Clinical Study:

Dr Anderson, in conjunction with Melbourne Orthopaedic Group (MOG) have undertook a clinical study, titled “Percutaneous Needle Fasciotomy for Chronic Plantar Heel Pain”, which details the procedure and the conclusions.

Given the success of this novel treatment, which can be undertaken in Dr Anderson’s rooms and is less invasive, more effective, and cheaper than existing endoscopic or open operative intervention, Dr Anderson and MOG will continue to conduct research and further to their original clinical study.


The risks for the procedure are low, below is a non-exhaustive list of the main risks:

-          Bleeding, (which could result in a small lump under injection site)

-          Infections

-          Avascular necrosis due to steroid use (1/10000 risk)

-          Bruising

-          Swelling

-          Incomplete resolution of the fasciitis

-          <0.5% risk of a fibroid forming in the arch of the foot in the weeks after the procedure

-          Nerve Damage


Initial consultation - $255.50

Standard consultation/ follow-up $137.50

Plantar fascia procedure - $395

A rebate for the consultation with Dr Anderson can be received through your private health provider, or with a Chronic Disease Management plan (previously known as Enhanced Primary Care or EPC) provided by your GP.

You cannot receive a rebate for the cost of the procedure.

Post Plantar Release Protocol:

0-72 hrs:

  1. Goal - to avoid lump (haematoma, fibroma) by;

    • RICCE (rest, ice, compression, crutches, elevation)

    • Soft tissue massage; calf/peroneals, tib post & releases of intrinsic foot muscle tightness with trigger pointing

    • Pain relief medication

  2. Expectation- what does normal look like?

    • pain

    • swelling

    • redness over release site

  3. Concerns - things to watch out for:

    • tib post

    • lateral column (cuboid/4th/5th



Shinbone News




You can find us in North Melbourne using the map provided below. Look out for driveway for the Victorian Archives building opposite the North Melbourne Arden street oval. We are situated in the heritage building just to the right on Macaulay Road. There is plenty of parking, all day and by the hour. Find the Shinbone Medical sign and proceed up the cobbles to the first set of stairs, entering the clinic by the green double doors: you have arrived. 


Mitch consults at Evolve Physio Group every Wednesday afternoon.


Shinbone Medical
2,96 Macaulay Rd
North Melbourne 3051

Office Hours
Mon - Fri: 10am - 6pm




Iliotibial band (ITB) release



An Iliotibial band (ITB release) is a medical procedure that releases the underlying lateral tibial condyle, which causes the friction of the ITB. The procedure requires a local anaesthetic and a small incision at the back of the ITB. The procedure is a cost-effective, low risk option that gives excellent results as an alternative to open (or traditional) surgery on the tendon that requires hospital admission, surgery under general anaesthetic, and at least 3 months before full recovery.


Dr Anderson has a unique set of skills and experience in procedural work. Dr Anderson is a Medical Doctor, Physiotherapist and holds a Diploma of Surgical Anatomy.  He has assisted in over 1000 knee procedures in theatre and conducts the ITB in his medical rooms.



The risks for the procedure are low, below is a non-exhaustive list of the main risks:

-          Bleeding

-          Infections

-          Bruising

-          Swelling

-          Incomplete resolution of the lateral tibial condyle


-          Initial Consultation                                      $255.50

-          Standard Consultation/ Follow up            $137.50

-          ITB Procedure                                               $495

A rebate for the Consultation with Dr Anderson can be received through your private health provider, or with a Chronic Disease Management Plan provided by your GP.

You cannot receive a rebate for the cost of the procedure.


(0-36 hours)

The procedure is performed under local anaesthetic (1% lignocaine), which will minimise the pain during the procedure and for approximately 2 hours post procedure.  Dr Anderson will apply a compression bandage, which will be firm, this should be left on for 1-2 hours. At 2 hours, adjust the bandage to moderate pressure, and readjust to light tension in the evening, before bed.

It is normal to feel pain at the site of the procedure within the first 36 hours. Panadol can be used to minimise discomfort, or stronger pain relief if required. It is advised to rest during this period. A Medical Certificate can be provided for 2 days if required.


(72 – 3 weeks)

For the first 7 days post procedure it is advised to wear the bandage during the day, along with rest and elevation as much possible to reduce potential swelling. The bandage should be taken off for showering and baths, and in bed (after the first night).

After 7 days you should feel comfortable and be walking without a limp. At this point, you can walk longer distances or slow jogging if comfortable.


At your 3 week follow-up appointment with Dr Anderson, he will assess your progress, and provide rehabilitation exercises.